Tuesday, December 13, 2011

'Twas the Night Before Break...

Yes. It's happened. It's the time of the semester when my brain shuts off, and my eyes start to shut regardless of what time it is. I was sitting at my desk thinking when I asked myself, "Self, what are you going to post for your last blog for your media writing class?" Then, it all became clear! I want to end this great semester and start my Christmas break with a fun poem based on 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. I hope you enjoy it! Here goes...

'Twas the night before break and all through the dorm,
Every creature was stirring, and the room was too warm.
Studying for finals, and thinking of Christmas
With tests on their minds, and A's on their wish lists.

Snacking and munching on everything they could find
With sleeping and snoring and dreams on their mind.
Statistics and Media Writing study sheets on their desks
Their goal is by 3, to be asleep in their beds.

But focusing was out of the question that night,
For Christmas was so close in both of their sights.
They longed for family and time wrapping gifts,
When their exams ended, their spirits would lift.

When all of a sudden, there rose such a clatter, 
And out jumped their suite mate, and they asked "What's the matter?"
She stood with a grimace on her poor tired face
And she said, "I need to study! There's no time to waste!"

So all of the girls in East River Hall,
ran back to their rooms and studied it all!
Soon their exams would be said and done,
and they would gather their suitcases and get up and run!

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