Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The 12 Days of Christmas at the Christmas Convocation

It's Christmas time here at Bluefield College, and there's no better way to say hello to the holidays than the last convocation of the semester...Christmas convocation.

The different vocal groups started out the service by singing different Christmas songs. You had traditional Christmas songs to contemporary Christmas songs. It was fun to sit back and relax and listen to the wonderful music. You could look through the crowd and see everyone singing along or bobbing their heads to the beat of the songs.

Then, the oral interpretation class and the drama class acted out "Twas the Night Before Christmas" on stage. They were all dressed in pajamas with stuffed animals reciting the famous poem that we all know. It was a great performance. But that's not what the main attraction for our Christmas convocation.

Mr. Moxley gets up in front of the room and tells us all that we're going to sing the 12 Days of Christmas. He told us to look at the overhead screens and that different groups would sing different parts of the song. When it came your turn to sing your group's part, we were supposed to stand up.

Everyone sang the last line "And a partridge in a pear tree!", but other than that, we were all separated into different groups. The student council had a part, commuters, faculty, choirs, Greek life, and freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. I know I'm missing a group, but I don't remember which other group was involved.

Me, being a junior, stood up for "11 swans a swimming" and then "and a partridge in a pear tree!" It was a lot of fun to hear everyone's parts and it was a great way to end convocation for the semester.

I talked to some of my senior friends and they said "We've been waiting our whole college career for that moment! We finally got to sing '12 drummers drumming' and now it's over." It was a bittersweet moment for seniors.

Next year, I'll get the pleasure of standing up and singing "12 drummers drumming" that one, short time. I'm already excited! It was a great convocation and I'm excited for the next one.

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